Night Flight

Night Flight


Kerry Shawn Keys
Perfectbound paperback, ISBN:  978-0-9831251-3-6, 96 pgs., $15.95

Currently Out of Print

“When I read Kerry Shawn Keys’ work, I note immediately how much I enjoy his phrasings, the unpredictable turns and twists of a line where each new word comes as surprise, and yet all are deeply satisfying when one re-reads them: “I knew Kathy Leonard in the nightsoiled, chiseled guilt” or “tonight, you will drown in the unattended glossary of your dreams” or “ragged seams of coal share the flute-like warble / of a high-C in her voice” or “If all mornings could be like this whispered shower / of sunlight and rain” – this gorgeous language that wants to stay in the mouth, one wants to toss the line this way and that, in memory.”            -Ilya Kaminsky

